11 Aromatic Herbs to Incorporate Into Your Smoke Cleansing Practice (That Aren’t White Sage or Palo Santo)

1. Pine needles/resin:

Element: Earth

Purpose: Grounding, purification, protection, and spiritual growth.

2. Copal resin:

Element: Fire

Purpose: Cleansing, communication with spirits, and enhancing rituals.

3. Mugwort:

Element: Air

Purpose: Enhancing psychic abilities, divination, and lucid dreaming.

4. Rose:

Element: Water

Purpose: Love, passion, beauty, and attracting positive energy.

5. Clove:

Element: Fire

Purpose: Protection, banishing negativity, and attracting wealth.

6. Cinnamon:

Element: Fire

Purpose: Prosperity, success, and enhancing spiritual awareness.

7. Rosemary:

Element: Fire

Purpose: Purification, protection, and mental clarity.

8. Juniper:

Element: Fire

Purpose: Purification, banishing negative energies, and attracting positive influences.

9. Cedar:

Element: Earth

Purpose: Healing, protection, and connecting with ancestral spirits.

10. Tobacco:

Element: Earth

Purpose: Offering to spirits, purification, and grounding.

11. Yerba Santa:

Element: Earth

Purpose: Healing, spiritual growth, and enhancing psychic abilities.

*These correspondences are based on various mystical and esoteric traditions and practices as well as herbalism. Specific associations may vary depending on the practitioner's beliefs and intentions. Always work with these Plant Spirits and resins respectfully and ethically in your practices. Happy Smoke Cleansing!


flowers are my friends.


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