5 Easy + Intentional Rituals to Empower Your Spiritual Bath Ceremony

To make any Spiritual Bath cleanse more potent + powerful, try stacking in a couple of these simple, accessible rituals to really fine tune + enforce your intention:

1. Burn Bay Leaves: Before your bath, write the names, situations, or feelings you’re releasing, welcoming or healing on bay leaves. Burn them safely and visualize the smoke carrying your intentions away to unfold with perfection.

2. Meditative Cord-Cutting Visualization: Imagine the cords connecting you to what you want to release. Visualize yourself gently cutting them with golden scissors, then sealing your energy with a radiant golden light.

3. Journal and Release: Write a letter to whatever you’re letting go of—tell it everything you need to say. Then, safely tear up the letter or burn it, letting the ashes carry away what’s no longer yours to hold.

4. Affirmation Practice: During your bath, speak loving affirmations over yourself: “I release what no longer serves me. I am whole, I am Holy, I am healing, I am free, I am powerful.”

5. Grounding Breathwork: Before of after your bath, stand barefoot on the earth, taking deep breaths. Imagine roots growing from your feet, grounding you and anchoring you in your own energy. Feel the codes of Mother Earth teaching you how to walk in your sovereignty + embody your authenticity in peace, love + joy!



flowers are my friends.


Spiritual Baths for Transformation, Growth + Healing: More Than a Quick Fix Ritual


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