To Be Free: Hoodoo Tradition, Cord Cutting + The Black Walnut Bath

Cord-cutting is an ancient spiritual practice rooted in the belief that we form invisible energetic ties, or “cords,” with people, places, and experiences throughout our lives.

These cords can transmit energy between individuals, creating connections that are not always beneficial.

For centuries, various cultures have used rituals like spiritual baths to sever these energetic ties, allowing for personal renewal and freedom.

History & Folklore: In many traditions, from African and Caribbean spiritual practices to European folk magic, cord-cutting is a means of breaking the bonds that no longer serve us.

Black walnut, a key ingredient in hoodoo cord-cutting baths, has long been revered for its ability to cleanse and protect, symbolizing the shedding of unwanted attachments and the protection of one’s personal energy.

This powerful bath ritual can support ones intentions of clearing emotional residue, psychic ties, and stagnant energies that linger in one’s aura, which can cause anger, fatigue, frustration, confusion and stagnancy.

Hoodoo + Cleansin’ with Black Walnut Hull: Black walnut hull is traditionally used in Hoodoo and other African American folk magic practices, especially for spiritual baths and cleansing rituals.

In Hoodoo, black walnut is revered + renowned for its powerful properties in breaking ties, curses, and hexes, and is often used for cord-cutting, separation work, and removing lingering energies from past relationships or negative situations.

The potent energy of black walnut is believed to sever unhealthy attachments + clear away spiritual blockages, making it a go-to herb for those seeking to cleanse and protect their personal energy.

Traditionally, black walnut baths are often prepared as part of a series of bathing rituals, combined with prayer, candle work, and specific spiritual intentions to ensure a complete cleansing and release of unwanted influences.

In addition to its use in baths, black walnut can also be utilized in other forms such as floor washes, sachets, and altar offerings, but its reputation as a cord-cutting bath ingredient remains one of its most notable and traditional uses in Hoodoo practice.

When to Use a Cord-Cutting Bath:

After a Breakup or Divorce: To release outdated, emotional ties and promote deep healing.

Following an Argument or Conflict: To prevent negative energy from affecting your well-being in the long term.

To Break Cycles of Negative Patterns: When you feel stuck in repeating harmful behaviors or thoughts, ritualize their release from your life and your energy field.

To Let Go of the Past: If you’re struggling to move on from painful experiences or memories a cord cutting can be an effective yet gentle way to take a step away from the past + toward your higher self.

After a Difficult or Draining Encounter: To restore your energy and reclaim your personal power in a way that nurtures your Body, Mind + Spirit.

To Clear Spiritual Attachments: For removing spiritual entities or attachments that disrupt your peace. This could be energetic cords, thought forms, old habits, patterns and blocks of all kinds.

Using this bath with intention (perhaps with the support of some intentional energy work) can help you reclaim your energy, restore your boundaries, and step forward with renewed clarity and strength.

To learn more about Spiritual Bathing for Healing, Growth + Transformation check out this blog post!

Peace + Pink Light.


flowers are my friends.


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